The Rector of the South East European University, Acad. Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti presented the main topic of the training, who emphasized that during the past four years the University has experienced continuous changes and now we continue with the further transfer in function of the development and growth of the University and in this aspect also the challenges we face, especially with the new generation, which we call Z Generation.
Rector Bexheti, in his presentation, focused on the key points of the University's development and on the main challenges facing SEEU. He elaborated in detail about the environment in which we operate as a higher education institution, our academic structure, faculty, study programs and staff, with special emphasis on human resources.
"The standard remains our commitment to internationalization, commitment to our successful scholarship system, in terms of investments and financial stability”, said Rector Bexheti
We will continue with the academic development in the creation of new offers and the identification of human profiles.
The training took place in sessions, where on the topic "Improving teaching and learning: the flipped classroom - introduction and examples from all faculties", representatives of the faculties presented examples of the use of some innovative teaching practices to make lessons more attractive to students and at the same time to increase their autonomy and commitment.
“Towards improved student services: client satisfaction”, was the topic of the training session for the administrative staff, held by Svetlana Misajlovska, while the representatives of the Max van der Stoel Institute, presented in plenary and project-related sessions - organized according to the proposal of this Institute.
“Exploring ideas for Internationalizing and Innovation to take SEEU to the next level of Growth and Peak Performance”, was the topic of the session that was presented online by z. Mr. Kamruddin Shams, leader of the Shams Foundation.
Regarding the workload in relation to productivity and efficiency, results from students assessment ofaccording to the model from the Department of Student Services, the Director of this Service, Abaz Selmani, presented the topic: “Business-Process-Matrix: Description, Complexity and Workload Estimation Model of Student Services Department”
On the second day of the training, representatives of the faculties will present on the best practices of teaching- learning-assessment.