South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!

Quality Assurance and Management

At the center of SEEU’s mission are the aims of excellence, equity, transparency and efficiency. The University strives for the highest quality in every faculty and department and sees quality improvement as both an individual and collective responsibility.

Since quality is at the heart of every process that the University undertakes, we are developing a Quality culture by working on both quality assurance and quality management.

Quality assurance focuses on academic matters and teaching and learning and links closely with those services which directly support students, such as the Library, Student Services and Career Center.

Quality management targets the effective development and monitoring of policies and procedures.

To achieve these aims, the University focuses on Quality issues in its Strategic Plan and has a Quality Policy which underpins a functioning quality structure, with clearly defined roles and evaluative activities. The evaluation of achievements and the implementation of key priorities for improvement and measurement are carried out through Faculty and Departmental Action Plans, validated and monitored by senior managers.

All study programs provided by SEEU are accredited by the Accreditation and Evaluation Board of the Republic of Macedonia and the quality of our curricula and assessment are regularly reviewed according to our institutional quality assurance procedures and through a cycle of external programme review using international specialists. 

Research and publications are increasing in number and scope.These important academic research activities are supported and monitored by the Research Office and Pro-Rector for Research.

 The University seeks to support effective staff performance. For academic staff, this is done through procedures such as an annual Learnin and Teaching Observation Scheme and the active consideration of students’ opinions from the Student Evaluation Survey. All staff is required to take part in the individual Staff Evaluation Process and all these processes are linked to an integrated Staff Development Development Procedure offering internal and external opportunities for professional development and training.

The University welcomes and positively uses both national and international evaluation and quality accreditation for continuous improvement.We receive valuable evaluation and advice on a twice yearly basis from our external Quality Champion. We also actively refertothe latest developments and trends in higher education in Europe which are part of the Bologna Process. Also the University has been positively evaluated twice as part of European Universities Association (EUA) external institutional review program; and its administrative and management processes have been successfully validated according to International Standards for Organization (ISO 9001/2015).

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