Latest News
The latest scientific international publication by Msc Veland Ramadani: "Business Angels-Who They Really Are?"
15 March 2010"Business Angels-Who They Really Are?", is the latest scientific published paper of Msc Veland Ramadani, assistant in Faculty of Business Administration-SEEU. This paper is published in the international journal of well-known global publisher John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Strategic Change: Brifings in Entrepreneurial Finance, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, Vol.18, Issue 7/8, p.249-258, ISSN: 1086-1718).
Ass. Prof. Dr. Brikena Xhaferi has been appointed a Member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal, “Revista de Lengua para Fines Específicos”
12 March 2010Ass. Prof. Dr. Brikena Xhaferi has been appointed a Member of the Advisory Board of the International Journal, “Revista de Lengua para Fines Específicos” (LFE).
Another international publication by Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti in the Review of the University of Bamberg–Germany
10 March 2010“Anti-Crisis Measures in Republic of Macedonia and Their Effects - Are They Sufficient?” is the latest scientific publication of SEEU’s Pro-Rector for Financial Issues and Physical Development, Prof. Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti, published in the international review of the University of Bamberg –Germany (BERG Working Paper Series on Government and Growth of the University Bamberg-Germany, Working Paper No.70, March 2010).
Prof. Dr. Ismaili and Prof. Dr. Abdullai Participate at the Regional Conference on "Promoting Models of Work that Contribute to the Youth Policies Making in the Region”
6 March 2010The regional conference on "Promoting Models of Work that Contribute to the Youth Policies Making in the Region”, was held at the Skopje City Council Hall, on 2 and 3 March, organized by Non-formal Education Centre "Triangle” in cooperation with the City of Skopje.
Free trial testing for IELTS
23 February 2010Language Center announces the first free trial testing for IELTS (internationally recognized English certificate) for March 10th at 10 o'clock (Wednesday) at LC building, 1001.04.
Institute of Environment and Health participated in the IPM TEMPUS IV - in Italy
18 February 2010Representatives of the South East European University (SEEU) Institute of Environment and Health (IEH), under the frame work of the IPM Tempus IV programme, participated in the first coordinative meeting in Rome and Bari, Italy from 2–7 February 2010.
Prof. Dr. Zamir Dika in the International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA '10) at the Harvard University, USA
8 February 2010In the framework of World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) on January 27-29, at the University of Harvard, Cambridge, USA was organized the 4th International Conference on COMPUTER ENGINEERING and APPLICATIONS (CEA '10).
Assistant Professor Abdulla Azizi publishes his book entitled European Union-Law, Institutions and Policies
5 February 2010 -
University Strategic Plan 2009-2012 is published
4 February 2010 -
Arben Hajra Defended his Master Thesis in the Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies
2 February 2010A Master thesis defence was realized int the Faculty of Contemporary Sciences and Technologies at SEEU using distance technology for audiovisual communication with the Master supervisor from Turkey and the participants at this public defence.
IEH Staff Attend Training in Maribor, Slovenia
29 January 2010Staff of SEEU Institute for Environment and Health participated in a training programme in the frame of the Project FP7- Euro Urhis 2. The training was organized in Maribor, Slovenia, from 19-23 January 2010. -
SEEU Students Visit the European Commission and European Parliament in Brussels
28 January 2010Under the framework of traditional activities, a group of students led by Ass. Prof. Dr. Ylber Sela completed a visit to the European Commission and European Parliament in Brussels from 17 to 22 January.
“Islamic Banking and Islamic Banking Models – Recommendations for Development of Islamic Banking in Europe” is the thesis topic for which Sabina Idrizi received her Master’s degree
25 January 2010Sabina Idrizi defended her master thesis entitled: “Islamic Banking and Islamic Banking Models – Recommendations for Development of Islamic Banking in Europe” on 21 January 2010, at the Faculty of Business Administration at the South East European University in front of the comission composed of: Prof. Dr. Miroljub Shukarov, Prof.Dr. Abdylmenaf Bexheti and Prof.Dr. Izet Zeqiri.
Hasan Jashari and Arafat Shabani participate in the in the Conference for Distance Learning in Rome
21 January 2010 Prof. Hasan Jashari and Dr. Arafat Shabani participate in the in the Conference for Distance Learning in Rome under the frame of Tempus IV, Project Development of Master Programs in Education, from 18-21 January, at the University Roma Tre, Rome-Italy. -
Academician Alajdin Abazi, Rector of SEE University:2009 – A Successful Year
30 December 2009 In the year that we are leaving behind, the University will be closing with approximately 7000 students attending lectures in the first cycle of studies and nearly 4000 graduates, and over 1200 students who are actively following second cycle studies (47 of which have already earned the scientific rank—Master). Currently, the University offers 16 first cycle academic study programmes and 33 second cycle academic study programmes in five faculties: Law, Business Administration, Public Administration and Political Sciences, Contemporary Sciences and Technologies, and Languages, Cultures and Communication. -
ELT Conference: Deadline Extended to 22nd January 2010
30 December 2009 -
Master Thesis Defence, a Result of Research Work at SEEU
29 December 2009Majlinda Salii defended her master’s thesis entitled, “Ambassador Conference in London and the Albanian Issue,” being the first master thesis defence for the academic year 2009-2010.
Students from the Law Faculty in the "Operation Index"
25 December 2009 -
Ardian Ramdani promoted his book France and French Diplomacy in the Period of Richelieu, the Doctrine State-Nation
25 December 2009On December 24th 2009, at the SEEU Library, Ardian Ramdani promoted his book, France and French Diplomacy in the Period of Richelieu, the Doctrine State-Nation.