Public Speaking
Upon completion of this course the students will gain knowledge about the communication process, the ethical responsibilities of public speaking and the different types of informative and persuasive speeches. In addition, the students will acquire skills necessary for preparing and delivering different types of speeches, audience analysis, researching speech topics, preparing speeches etc. After completing the Public Speaking course, the students will be able to think critically through constructive self-criticism and criticism towards the speeches of the others.
Intercultural Studies
Having completed this course the students will able to identify global questions and problems from the perspectives of different cultures, the communication dynamics in the other cultures, the similarities and the differences between their values and those of other cultures, as well as the similarities and differences between their communication practices and those from other cultures. In addition, students are expected to become more aware of the stereotypes that society has for different cultures and as a result will better understand their place in the global community. The students will start thinking critically about topics related to their ethnicity, gender identity, class, religion, national origin, age and other demographic characteristics and their impact on the communication process. After finishing Intercultural Studies, the students will also gain communication skills for working in groups through participation in research projects and will acquire the necessary skills to present their research projects.
Communication Skills
The course Communication Skills is designed to enable students to practically apply interpersonal communication. Students will have the opportunity to learn interpersonal skills (such as perception, listening, verbal and non verbal communication); public speaking (such as: organization, delivery and the basics of writing public speeches) and small group communication (such as: leadership, self confidence and listening). The course will also focus on providing basic knowledge and understanding of the job hunting process through written and oral communication by doing tasks such as writing a resume and a cover letter, conducting interview simulations etc.
Advanced Excel
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with advanced knowledge of this application and of the opportunities offered by the Microsoft Excel application. As well as to enable them to carry out advanced tasks which are associated with their faculty’s programe.
Advanced IT skills
The aims of this course are:
- To enable students to acquire basic knowledge and skills in the field of information sciences;
- To enable the students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in Microsoft Office applications (Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access) and to apply them in real life situations;
- To enable the students to work individually or in groups on practical projects.
Advanced knowledge of Word and PowerPoint
The aim of this course is to enable the students to acquire advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint and to familiarize them with the opportunities which are offered by them. Moreover, it will enable the students to independently implement various projects and specific complex tasks which are associated with the program in which they study.
Google Apps
The aims of this course are:
- To enable the students to acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the field of electronic services (cloud applications);
- To enable the students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in Google Docs (G-mail, Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Drawings and Forms) and to apply them in real life;
- To enable the students to work individually or in groups on various online projects, directly through the web browser.
Advanced Access
Databases are ideal tools for tracking large volumes of Data and Microsoft Access is a quite popular and powerful tool which is used for designing and developing Windows-based databases. This course is intended for new users of Access where the most important functions needed for working with databases are processed.
Desktop Publications
The aim of this course is designing and processing raster and vector graphics through the leading programs Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as designing and publishing commercial materials for print using Adobe InDesign.
Web Publications
Developing even a simple web page according to current standards requires knowledge of Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Most of the websites also use images, whether in the form of banners, buttons, logos, photos or scans. Adobe Fireworks is built as a tool to create and manipulate images from the web and to allow the makers to optimize these images in order to reduce the file size. Firework also provides an excellent integration with Dreamweaver. This series provides a comprehensive introduction to XHTML, CSS and creating web graphics.
Albanian Language for Professional Purposes
Pas përfundimit të kursit Gjuha shqipe për qëllime profesionale, studentët do të jenë në gjendje praktikisht të përdorin njohuritë e fituara që do t’ju shërbejnë atyre në punësimin e tyre dhe gjatë karrierës në të ardhmen. Nga studentët pritet që të dallojnë gjuhën e folur dhe të shkruar, karakteristikat e komunikimit profesional (raport, CV, e-mail), specifikat e shkrimit formal, format më të zakonshme gramatikore, të bëjnë dallimin në mes stilit të të shkruarit shkencor, administrativ dhe socio-politik. Studentët do të mësojnë rregullat se si të organizojnë intervista dhe debate, të dinë se si të shkruajnë një letër motivimi dhe të interpretojnë tekste të veçanta në formë të shkruar dhe të folur.
По завршувањето на предметот Албански јазик за професионални цели од студентите ќе се очекува да можат да ги употребат знаењата практично, а кои ќе им послужат во текот на нивното вработување како и во нивното понатамошно професионално ангажирање. Конкретно ќе се очекува да ги знаат: разликите во писмената и говорната форма на јазикот, карактеристиките на професионалното комуницирање, формите на професионалното комуницирање (извештај, CV, електронски пораки), спецификите на професионалното пишување, правописот на најупотребливите граматички форми, да ги препознаваат разликите во научниот, административниот и во политичко-општествениот стил на пишување, правилата за организирање интервју и правилата на дебатирање, да знаат правилно да пишуваат мотивациони писма, следејќи ги правилата на академското изразување да направат писмена и усна интерпретација на дадени текстови итн.
After finishing the course Albanian Language for Professional Purposes the students will be able practically use the knowledge which will serve them throughout their employment as well as in their future carrier. Students will be expected to know the differences in spoken and written language, the characteristics of professional communication (report, CV, email), the specifics of professional writing, the most common grammatical forms, to recognize the differences amongst the scientific, administrative and the socio political styles of writing. The students should be able to know the rules of how to organize interviews and debates, to know how to properly write cover letters and to interpret particular texts in a written and spoken form.
Academic Writing in English
In this course students’ academic writing skills will be enhanced in a variety of ways. Students will be enabled to communicate their ideas in a clear, fluent and effective way in order to produce a piece of writing. Students’ academic writing skills will be developed through activities that promote writing like: writing different types of paragraphs and essays. Also, students will be introduced to paraphrasing and citing rules as well as will be made aware of what plagiarism is. Giving feedback on students’ pieces of writing will involve self-correction, peer-correction and teacher-correction of content, organization and language errors.
Academic Writing in Macedonian
After finishing the Academic Writing in the Macedonian course the students are expected to gain appropriate knowledge and advanced communication in Macedonian language with particular emphasis on writing skills. In addition, it is expected that students will become more autonomous and responsible learners. Moreover, students will be able to improve their writing skills in more levels and thereby they will become more confident and more competent when writing in Macedonian. They will be able to reflect critically on different topics, to make conclusions and they will develop skills for excellent written and oral communication in Macedonian.
Academic Writing in Albanian
By the end of each level the students are expected to write an essay and a research paper based on the rules learned during the semester. Specifically, from them it is expected to know the function, the structure and the different types of paragraphs, ways of choosing research topics, collecting the material, the rules for source documentation and the final model.
German Language (level 1 to 4)
After completing each level students will be able to gain appropriate knowledge according to the European Language Framework (specifically and concretely determined by level). In addition, students are expected to become more autonomous and more responsible language learners. By the end of the course, students will be able to think critically and make conclusions about different topics based on the texts that they have read, as well as to express their thoughts and opinions in written and spoken German.
Environmental Protection
The aims of this course are:
- To familiarize the students with the basic environmental problems;
- To familiarize the students with the role of humans as the key factor in the process of pollution and environmental protection;
- To familiarize the students with the influence of various environmental pollutants on health, the professional activity and the organizational ability of the human factor;
- Creating positive habits for the environment and raising the awareness for a healthier and cleaner environment;
- International and national legislation and international conventions on the environment;
- Introduction to international and national global policies in the field of environment;
- The environment as a condition for sustainable economic development;
- The role of the society in the protection of the environment;
- Introducing the major risks to a healthy environment;
- Introducing the National Environmental Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia.
Sports, Recreation and Culture
Theory: in general about sports, disciplines, hygiene, sports medicine, nutrition and general culture. Practical teaching: organizing collective and individual sports games and other activities in the hall and the sports facilities in the campus.
Professional Careеr Development
This course offers practical, results-oriented instruction for seeking, obtaining and keeping employment. It is intended to provide students with the appropriate job skills needed in the modern workplace. Specific tasks that will be covered will be composing an effective c.v., writing a letter of inquiry/interest, interviewing skills, and formal communication within the office (memos, formal emails to superiors or customers, reports, etc.). Additional elements that will be covered will be how to conduct a self-evaluation, how to manage inter-office conflict, and how to seek promotions actively. Although the primary focus of this course will be on white collar employment, the skills obtained through the instruction are applicable to the job search process generally.