South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!


A unique feature of SEEU is the on campus housing, with 7 dormitories with a capacity for 450 students. Dormitories are divided into two main blocks, the female and male dormitories. For all requests and problems, which students may have, contact the person responsible for dormitories. The safety of students is of major importance; therefore, the entire Campus University Security works to safeguard the buildings. Based on the schedule determined by the internal rules of the University, every entrance and exit from the campus is monitored. Safety of students is at a maximum level.

Send any issue considering University dormitories by using this form: Dormitory Helpdesk

Dormitories buildings are modern, and rooms are equipped with the necessary inventory. The constructive part of the rooms is the kitchen, which is equipped with necessary electrical utilities.
All dormitories have access to the University network (Internet) and are designed to meet the standards of modern dormitories which offers inhabitants the possibility of a proper place for studying. All interested parties for accommodations in the Campus dormitories, should apply in the short term due to the great demand. Students who come from far cities have priority.


Apply by using the form (for students inside Macedonia): FORMULAR

Apply by using the form (for international students): FORMULAR

Renting of objects

In addition to dormitory service for students and staff, the asset management department manages and offers rental facilities for businesses and other organizations.
Tel: +389 (0) 44 356 116
