South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!


Green Economy and Sustainable Development (2021/2022)

Study Cycle: Second Cycle (Postgraduate)
Faculty: Business and Economics
Programme Code: GES-60
Academic year: 2024 / 2025
Title: Master of Science in Economics - Module: Green Economy and Sustainable Development
ECTS: 60 (1 year) Accrediation
Decision: Decision for starting of the program

The goal of the Green Economy is to create a sustainable economy that uses natural resources efficiently and has less impact on the environment, developing new, sustainable models of production and consumption to ensure prosperity and a high quality of life for future generations. Rising threats to sustainability are prompting governments and businesses to explore various elements of the green economy, including renewable energy and green technology. The transition to a green economy involves a transition to green production and consumption; reducing the depletion of natural resources and degrading ecosystems caused by economic activity and increasing the supply of "clean", low-carbon energy, contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

Energy, economy and environment as a complex concept are expressed at all political, managerial and entrepreneurial levels. This concept is related to the goals of the Green Treaty of the European Union and has a clear goal - a neutral and more resilient climate Europe by 2050. To achieve this goal, a European Climate Law has been proposed, which legally requires action by all economic sectors.

  • Decarbonisation of the energy sector and security
  • Energy efficient construction of new buildings and reconstruction of existing buildings
  • Innovative industry (mobilization of industry for the circular economy)
  • Wise transportation
  • Clean and non-toxic environment

The Green Agreement itself requires the direction and coherence of European policies towards sustainable development and so-called green financing. This, in our conditions, from the aspect of reducing climate change, will mean the prioritization of policies for which there are already scientific assessments that in addition to economic ones have positive effects on the environment and climate change or, in addition, have the potential to create green jobs. Through the analysis of policies and measures that lead to the reduction of carbon and climate to a more sustainable growth and sustainable development, guidance is given on the priority of future financial flows from various sources - budget, private and foreign investment, etc. The program will create staff to assist in the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans investment framework, signed in November 2020 as part of the Berlin Process.

The program will create staff who will assist in implementing the investment agenda of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, signed in November 2020 as part of the Berlin Process. With the Europe 2020 Strategy as the energy and climate package 2030 and the long-term goals of climate neutrality by 2050, the European Commission has set the direction of the European Union and has emphasized smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The overall development program is mainly based on the principles of sustainable development, namely, the green economy, which is expected to create jobs and reduce poverty through sustainable and responsible management of natural resources. Some of the set goals are: increase the percentage of renewable energy in final energy consumption by 20%, increase energy efficiency by 20%, etc. According to the European Commission, additional measures to increase the productivity of used resources by 30%, by 2030 could increase GDP by 1%, which would create 2 million additional jobs. According to this, graduates will have employment opportunities in the sectors of energy, economy and environment, relevant research institutes, public bodies and in companies and organizations involved in activities for innovation in energy, economy and environment.

Knowledge and understanding

To gain a strong foundation for the concepts, theory and practice of energy, economics and sustainable development and understand the concepts and meanings of energy, economics and sustainable development; Ability to develop and implement original and creative ideas to ensure continuous quality improvement and energy management, economy and sustainable development; Ability to apply knowledge and understanding and to demonstrate advanced skills and competencies for: energy analysis system, renewable energy technology, advanced clean technologies, sustainable production and consumption, energy management and improving efficiency energy, etc . To learn the necessary analytical and practical skills to work in the field of local, regional and national development.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Ability to critically, independently and creatively solve problems of originality in new or unfamiliar environments without previous industry experience;

Planning, management and evaluation of independent research in the field of energy, economy and sustainable development and their analysis, as well as the implementation of appropriate tools for testing, simulation and implementation;

Creativity and originality in interpreting knowledge from science to solve problems related to the goals of energy management, economy and sustainable development.

Integrate understanding of the market, the state and civil society and understand how they position themselves in the theory and practice of energy, economics and sustainable development.

Making judgement

Ability to creatively integrate and synthesize knowledge from multiple areas of energy, economics and the environment and management processes and systems, using IT tools designed and created for a specific purpose, but also to create educational processes by using computer tools and techniques;

Ability to deal with complex issues related to certain processes.

Ability to identify appropriate specialized cases and ability to assess cases where complete information or data is lacking based on personal, social and ethical principles and responsibilities regarding the application of knowledge and understanding.

Communication skills

Ability to exchange conclusions and proposals with argumentation and rational support, both with experts and non-experts, clearly and unequivocally.

Taking considerable responsibility for shared results; leading and initiation of activities.

Ability to draw clearly and unequivocally conclusions, results, studies and professional knowledge with the ability to adjust the style and form of expression.

Competencies for critical, independent and creatively reasoned research, evaluation of methodologies and proposing and defending new hypotheses.

Ability to start, lead and take responsibility for individuals and groups in cases where business competencies and IT competencies are essential.

Ability to present results from various studies, to transmit business plans to working groups and stakeholders.

Learning skills

Ability to identify individual needs and guidelines for individual and autonomous further education and its implementation, independently and autonomously in the usual areas of information and quality assurance;

Ability to take responsibility for further research in specialized areas within the modern economy, such as: energy, economics and environment.

Ability to take responsibility for further professional development and training.

Semester 1

  • [CMBA01] [6 ECTS] Research Methodology
    The purpose of this course is for students to gain knowledge and understanding of different scientific theories and methodologies. Students will first be explained the basic concepts and theoretical definitions and samples of all existing research methods, direct and indirect hypotheses, variables, validity of results, BIAS and prejudices and scientific qualities and quantitative research methodologies and other methodological approaches. For each chapter students will also perform practical assignments. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: know and understand the importance of basic scientific concepts; learn techniques for efficient research and information retrieval and efficient access to relevant information and literature; identify, describe and formulate scientific problems; make a careful choice of alternative research approaches, describe carefully; compare and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different scientific methods for data collection and analysis in quantitative and qualitative research; apply basic scientific methods to analyze quantitative and qualitative data; provide basic theoretical frameworks on which research will be built; review them and evaluate technical and scientific publications.
  • [CMBA19] [6 ECTS] Project Management
    The aim of the course is for students to be involved in the world of modern projects and to confront them with the opportunities and challenges of real economic life in creating projects suitable for real needs. The specific objectives of the course are: how to define a given project (using several phases) and emphasize the important role of the project manager (to understand the need, scope, implementation activities, complexity of modern design, etc.). Students should be trained on how to apply modern tools and techniques of modern design management when transforming a need or creative idea into a real and documented project that will make them more inventive and competitive in the competitive labor market.
  • [CM150] [6 ECTS] Energy Financing and Institutions
    Course objectives: - Students to gain knowledge about the main sources of energy financing and energy institutions; - Students to get applied knowledge about the types of funding - from public, mixed sources, as well as other sources of funding for projects and energy projects; - Students to gain knowledge about energy financing models and energy projects; - Be able to analyze the conditions for financing, as well as the financial justification of energy projects and institutions; - Be able to design and identify alternative sources of funding for energy projects; Be able to prepare a financial risk assessment of energy projects and avoid or minimize the potential risk in financing energy projects, institutions and projects.
  • [CM151] [6 ECTS] Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development - Sustainability Assessment Tools
    The aim of the course is to give students a deep understanding of the dangers faced by the environment, climate change and sustainable development, from a physical and political point of view. Lectures will include the physical, chemical and biological risks associated with natural disasters. Students will be provided with detailed information on the physical, chemical and biological nature of natural disasters using a range of case studies and theoretical background. Furthermore, the module aims to introduce the tools used in industry and government for policy making (eg numerical modeling). Through practical and field research, he will apply the theoretical knowledge learned during lectures in practice and demonstrate the difficult decisions needed in implementing risk mitigation policy.
  • [6 ECTS] Professional elective course
    • [EM654] Energy Resources in Power Systems
    • [EM655] Decarbonization
    • [EM656] Financial Data Analysis
    • [EM657] Climate Change
    • [EM658] Sustainable Business and Finances
    • [EM630] Digital Business
    • [EM659] Smart Buildings and Building Components
    • [EM660] Environmental Health

Semester 2

  • [BE-THESIS-120] [30 ECTS] Master Thesis
    This module enables students to transfer their research skills and knowledge and to do the most complex task- writing their master thesis. The module aims to be fully practical and students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to approach writing the thesis. The module has unique return result-to enable students to write the master thesis with minimal difficulties, and with maximum efficiency. The course aims to improve research techniques and style of writing the paper, taking into account the prevention of the usage of illegal means, such as plagiarism and infringement of copyright, which are prohibited by the Statute of SEEU.