South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!


Psychology (2023-2024)

Study Cycle: First Cycle (Undergraduate)
Faculty: Contemporary Social Sciences
Programme Code: PSYCH-240
Academic year: 2024 / 2025
Title: Graduated Psychologist
ECTS: 240 (4 years) Accrediation
Decision: Decision for starting of the program

The aim of the study program is the promotion of hope, of a better life, love, truth, the fulfilment of real inner needs, the search for effective spirituality, happiness,  the ability to achieve fulfilment through "Spiritual Intelligence". The multidisciplinary character of the study program makes studying a fulfilling experience of discovery, offering a strong emphasis on internal - personal - and external development - the complexity of human behaviour and its consequences.

The program as a whole provides students with the knowledge and skills to understand and explore the complex, often contradictory interactions between mind, brain, behaviour and human experience, while advocating, exploring and supporting new belief systems, principles and solutions to multiple issues.

The main objectives of the program are to prepare students to:

  • develop the awareness necessary to understand themselves and others;
  • influence (intensify, change, improve) through their relationships with others;
  • describe key concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
  • apply the use of scientific reasoning to the interpretation of psychological phenomena and demonstrate the ability to interpret, design and conduct basic psychological research using statistical analysis.
  • apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice and apply those standards to building and improving interpersonal relationships locally and globally.
  • demonstrate effective writing, display effective presentation skills and communicate effectively with others.
  • discuss professional pursuits available in different settings given their psychological knowledge, skills and values.
  • detail the biological and genetic bases of human behaviour.
  • develop a research hypothesis based on the available literature in psychology and then collect, analyse and interpret data to answer the question. To develop a critical opinion about social processes and their impact on the individual and his behaviour,
  • develop competencies for applying knowledge
  • recognize contemporary trends and actions.
  • can take the initiative to identify and address learning needs about psychological behaviours in specific circumstances and societies.

In more detail, the objectives are described in each subject of this curriculum.

With all the knowledge that students will gain in this program, and with the practical experience that they will gain by visiting different institutions, they will be able to use them in their professional life in many ways. Graduates will be able to be professional psychologists in many institutions where the profession of the psychologist is very necessary such as: schools, health institutions, various agencies and they will also be able to be part of private institutions for working with people for professional guidance in career development, professional orientations in many spheres of life, mental health development, counselling and psychotherapy.

Knowledge and understanding
  • Has multidisciplinary knowledge and understanding of the main elements of study in the field of psychology.
  • Describes and identifies basic concepts, theories in psychology, such as those related to human and institutional behaviour, etc.
  • Recognizes and appreciates the important choices made by individuals, communities, states and nations that affect our lives and future;
  • Explores examples of the causes and consequences of certain choices and relates those choices to contemporary issues; uses his/her understanding of choices and consequences to construct a decision-making process and justify the decision
  • Recognizes and appreciates the rights and responsibilities of people living in society;
  • Analyses the context in which the important rights and responsibilities are defined and shown, their different interpretations and draws conclusions about these interpretations;
  • It explains the importance of spiritual well-being and the care that should be given to it.
  • Distinguishes today's perspectives of psychologists on the meaning of behaviour and mental processes;
  • It shows the peculiarity of psychology in the study of behaviour and mental processes;
  • Describes the main theories of motivation;
  • It argues the need to improve mental functioning;
  • Designs plans to deal with personal stress;
  • It explains the physiological and psychological reactions to stressors.
  • It explains the perception and interaction of the person with the environment;
  • Assesses the importance of care for mental functioning;
  • It evaluates the importance of psychological functioning in life.
  • Explores the specific rights and responsibilities of individuals and relates these rights and responsibilities to contemporary issues;
Applying knowledge and understanding
  • To apply the knowledge related to the complex work of a psychologist.
  • Takes initiative in various activities of interest to the environment where he lives, as well as being responsible in performing tasks, and fulfilling obligations
  • It argues with concrete examples the connections between work, profession, and career, it presents personal decision-making.
  • Available opportunities for further education/training, personal and financial opportunities, and reasoned solutions for the realization of the personal career plan; - It presents the necessary competencies for dealing with different life situations or career development in an area
  • Assigned.
  • Demonstrates self-confidence and personal and interpersonal skills in everyday life, distinguishing positive aspects of self
  • And undertaking specific activities to achieve personal target results;
  • Shows skill in organizing games with others, sports competitions or cultural activities and successfully manages his emotions in different situations during activities and in everyday life;
  • Resolves interpersonal conflicts constructively, considering alternatives, making decisions, and explaining
  • The choices made;
  • It shows, in different forms, awareness of managing emotions, stress and conflicts in everyday life situations or improvised situations with different historical, current, social character
Making judgement
  • Explains the progress of solving a problem in the classroom or outside it, proving the solution to the problem through the method of analysis and presenting it to students or others;
  • Identifies the sources of the necessary information and uses them in the right way to solve a problem at the given level of difficulty, giving concrete examples;
  • Evaluates the quality of the information in written material on a specific topic (e.g., about global warming, about cultural and ethnic diversity, etc.), identifies the main elements, discusses them with peers, making specific suggestions for use
  • On positive examples in a local or global context, expression of personal attitude;
  • Critically processes information gathered from various sources on any sensitive topic in society
  • He presents a critical attitude during the debate on the raised issue, "for" or "against" (marriages between members of the same sex, the death penalty, etc.).
  • Has the ability to think critically and actively engage in current social issues.
  • Assessing the impact of projects on the community
  • It distinguishes various phenomena related to the political culture of a particular community.
  • It critically compares the political tendencies in society and the country and appreciates their influence on the European integration processes in the country
Communication skills
  • Able to participate in debate, mediation and negotiation
  • Expresses to a specific audience the essential issues raised in a speech or interpretation of a specific topic by
  • Different fields, through at least one form of communication (language, symbols, signs, codes, artistic performance, etc.);
  • Discusses in a group, constructively provides information, arguments and asks questions in a dialogue of several people
  • On the minutes, on a certain topic in the native language or in a foreign language;
  • He expresses his free thought, opinion and attitude on a certain topic from life, from science, from the profession, from society,
  • From the environment, using different forms of communication, oral or written;
  • Engages and contributes to discussion with others on a given topic, for example media education, presentation
  • Arguments based on facts, about the role and influence of television, radio, the press and other means of information in society, in
  • The process of preparing young people for independent life and career orientation;
  • Effectively use ICT programs throughout the learning process (including distance learning) as well as
  • When performing tasks in a specific learning area.
  • Demonstrates the ability to communicate professionally with many people in a team atmosphere and through an inclusive approach.
Learning skills
  • It can take the initiative to identify the interests of groups and state institutions within the public policy process.
  • Demonstrates skills to use ICT in everyday situations and to meet different requirements during learning
  • Discusses in the group ways of collaborating with others to solve a new learning situation (or a problem from one's life
  • Daily or to manage conflicts with peers, shows how to use previous experiences for him
  • They develop new knowledge and skills to solve such situations and problems;
  • Uses, in an appropriate manner, the advice and information received to support solving a task or problem
  • Determines and then presents results to others;
  • Writes a cover letter in which he justifies his commitment to participate in the competition, emphasizing personal skills and qualities;
  • Productively manages available resources (time, people, work tools, etc.) while performing a specific activity or task in a learning area or in everyday life situations.

Semester 1

  • [C2428] [6 ECTS] Biological Psychology
    To acquaint students with the brain mechanisms underlying mental processes and intelligent behaviour. Topics will include the properties of brain cells, the anatomy of the brain, and the neural circuit mechanisms underlying sensory perception, motor control, memory, and thinking.
  • [C2371] [6 ECTS] Introduction to Psychology
    Students will become familiar with basic concepts, approaches and topics in scientific psychology in preparation for following modules that offer in-depth knowledge in theoretical and applied psychological disciplines.
  • [C2374] [6 ECTS] Emotions and Motivation
    Course aims: To obtain scientific and in-depth knowledge about emotional-motivational processes, about the factors that condition their occurrence and change.
  • [3 ECTS] Albanian/Macedonian Language
    • [BAM1010] Albanian Language for Beginners 1
    • [BAM2010] Albanian Language for Beginners 2
    • [BS018] Macedonian Language for Beginners 1
    • [BS152] Macedonian Language for Beginners 2
    • [MLIL-01] Macedonian Language Intermediate Level 1
    • [MLIL-02] Macedonian Language Intermediate Level 2
    • [MAPP1010] Macedonian Language for Professional Purposes 1
  • [3 ECTS] English Language
    • [E2532] English Language 1
    • [E2533] English Language 2
    • [E2533] English Language 3
    • [E2534] English Language 4
    • [E2535] English Language 5
    • [ESS-01] English for Social Sciences 1
    • [ESS-02] English for Social Sciences 2
  • [6 ECTS] Elective/Digital Competencies
    • [E2610] Selected chapters in IT Skills
    • [EMOA-01] Microsoft Office Access
    • [EMOE-02] Microsoft Office Excel
    • [EMOPP-03] Microsoft Office PowerPoint
    • [EMOW-04] Microsoft Office Word
    • [EWC-01] Web Creation
    • [EDMD-02] Digital Media Design
    • [E2609] Google Education Apps
    • [E2741] IT Hardware and Software Fundamentals
    • [E2742] Introduction to Cybersecurity

Semester 2

  • [C2373] [6 ECTS] Psychology of childhood
    Course aims: Students to acquire knowledge of scientific achievements in the field of developmental psychology in childhood and youth and to develop abilities for their practical application through programs to stimulate development.
  • [C2381] [6 ECTS] Cognitive Psychology
    Course aims: Students should become familiar with the scientific knowledge of learning, remembering, forgetting, thinking and speech as cognitive processes, in order to understand them, interpret them correctly and be able to apply the acquired knowledge.
  • [C2436] [6 ECTS] Basics of Statistics
    The main goal of this course is to enable students to acquire basic knowledge of the basic statistical methods and their application in order to follow the professional literature, so that the results and conclusions of the conducted research can be presented concisely. The main aspects of studying this subject include determining the disciplines, connecting the data, statistical analysis, statistical application of methods in the field of humanities, demonstrating the statistical data and presenting the relationship between statistics and other sciences.
  • [6 ECTS] Elective/Digital Competencies
    • [E2610] Selected chapters in IT Skills
    • [EMOA-01] Microsoft Office Access
    • [EMOE-02] Microsoft Office Excel
    • [EMOPP-03] Microsoft Office PowerPoint
    • [EMOW-04] Microsoft Office Word
    • [EWC-01] Web Creation
    • [EDMD-02] Digital Media Design
    • [E2609] Google Education Apps
    • [E2741] IT Hardware and Software Fundamentals
    • [E2742] Introduction to Cybersecurity
  • [3 ECTS] English Language
    • [E2532] English Language 1
    • [E2533] English Language 2
    • [E2533] English Language 3
    • [E2534] English Language 4
    • [E2535] English Language 5
    • [ESS-01] English for Social Sciences 1
    • [ESS-02] English for Social Sciences 2
  • [3 ECTS] Albanian/Macedonian Language
    • [BAM1010] Albanian Language for Beginners 1
    • [BAM2010] Albanian Language for Beginners 2
    • [BS018] Macedonian Language for Beginners 1
    • [BS152] Macedonian Language for Beginners 2
    • [MLIL-01] Macedonian Language Intermediate Level 1
    • [MLIL-02] Macedonian Language Intermediate Level 2
    • [MAPP1020] Macedonian Language for Professional Purposes 2

Semester 3

  • [C2382] [6 ECTS] Adolescent and Adult Psychology
    The main purpose of the course is to discuss and detail the phases of human development, namely, the changes that occur naturally in the period of adolescence, adulthood (early, middle and late) and in the process of death. The course also aims to achieve students' understanding of the factors that influence human development from adolescence to death.
  • [C2372] [6 ECTS] Inferential statistics
    The course aims to equip the students with tools of advanced statistical analysis for data science, and application in varied domains where large amounts of data are involved. The tools and techniques include statistical analysis on sampled data, different types of hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.
  • [C2380] [6 ECTS] Social Groups and Intergroup Relations
    The course aims to provide students with the basic information necessary to get to know themselves and others, to know about the factors of successful interaction, as well as to encourage the formation of skills for effective and understood interaction of self and other in practice. Also, special attention is paid to ethical awareness in interpersonal relationships and creativity, reflect on the content of the course and discuss how the main theoretical approaches are reflected in their practical work.
  • [C2390] [6 ECTS] Personality Psychology
    Through the subject "Psychology of personality" students get acquainted with the discipline of personality psychology, the basic terms and the most important theoretically related questions. The goal of the course is for the student to be able to: • identifies the main ideas and theories in personality psychology; • describes the history of the development of this scientific discipline; • analyses the influence of the main authors on the development of personality psychology; • breaks down the main research in the field of personality; • compares criticisms of theories of personality psychology; • predicts the possible directions of research development in this area; • describes methods for assessing and measuring personality.
  • [C2069] [3 ECTS] Oral Communication
    Aims of the course program: - To develop verbal communication skills. - To be able to be actively involved in a discussion on a particular topic. - To master the techniques for successful communication. - To express their critical opinion on certain topics. - To apply the adopted techniques in their professional career.
  • [3 ECTS] English Language
    • [E2532] English Language 1
    • [E2533] English Language 2
    • [E2533] English Language 3
    • [E2534] English Language 4
    • [E2535] English Language 5
    • [ESS-01] English for Social Sciences 1
    • [ESS-02] English for Social Sciences 2

Semester 4

  • [C2070] [3 ECTS] Written communication
    Course objectives: - To gain knowledge about the writing process (stages in creating a text). - To approve the standard language norms. - To achieve an academic level for written expressions in Albanian, Macedonian or English, which will apply the previously acquired knowledge of the standard language. - Encourage student motivation for written expressions regardless of text types and forms. - To approve the criteria of textuality, which are essential for a text. - Acquisition of materials search skills (libraries and online resources).
  • [C2431] [6 ECTS] Psychology of the Organization
    The main objective of this course is to introduce you to the major theories and practices in the field of Organizational Behaviour - which is the study of human behaviour in organizations. The primary emphasis in this course is on the psychological processes that influence the workplace environment, the nature of work, and the behaviour of workers.
  • [C2430] [6 ECTS] Psychology of Work
    Students will gain knowledge about job inventories and assessments, analysis of worker characteristics, methods of recruitment and selection of new hires, employee training planning, work attitudes, methods of measuring work performance, and psychological aspects of the safety and health of employees; Students will be trained for the practical application of psychological knowledge in the area of work, that is, in the management of human resources in work organizations.
  • [C2429] [6 ECTS] Social Perception, Cognition and Behavior
    Introducing students to the scientific study and scientific knowledge of the dispositional bases of social behaviour, of the ways in which people influence each other, and of how they behave when members of groups.
  • [C2394] [6 ECTS] Psychological Testing
    Acquiring knowledge about the types of tests, the possibilities of using psychological tests and limitations, the main metric characteristics and the process of standardization of tests. Encouraging ethics in the use of psychological tests. Raising awareness of complexity in human decision-making based on psychological measurement instruments. Acquiring basic skills for calculating the weight and discrimination of the items and interpreting the indicators of the various measurement characteristics of the tests
  • [3 ECTS] English Language
    • [E2532] English Language 1
    • [E2533] English Language 2
    • [E2533] English Language 3
    • [E2534] English Language 4
    • [E2535] English Language 5
    • [ESS-01] English for Social Sciences 1
    • [ESS-02] English for Social Sciences 2

Semester 5

  • [C2377] [6 ECTS] Health Psycology
    Acquisition of basic knowledge about the functioning of a healthy as well as a pathologically changed person, professional preparation for the basics of health psychology psychologists and the implications in the communication between a patient and a professional in general medical care with a special reference to the care of people with psychological disorders. Providing theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of medical psychology, knowledge about the influence of psychological factors on health and illness, as well as the impact of illness and somatic difficulties on the development of psychological problems, competencies for providing support to patients, attitude to health, participation in the organization of preventive health programs, maintenance, and promotion of mental health, access to the patient, application of communication skills to establish contact with the patient. Introduction to the basic principles of medical ethics, the psychologist-patient and psychologist-physician/medical person relationship, social determinants of health, health policies, the sociological context of health and illness, stress, family violence, violence/abuse of children, gender-based violence, violence in the community.
  • [C2379] [6 ECTS] Educational Psychology
    The subject, characteristics and tasks of pedagogical psychology: Historical development and creation of the discipline, the subject of the discipline, characteristics and tasks of the discipline, methods of pedagogical psychology. Types and theories of learning: Factors of learning, types of learning, theories of learning. Transfer of learning and learning ability: Transfer of learning, nature and structure of abilities, intelligence and its types. Monitoring the evaluation process among students; Monitoring of strategies to motivate students in learning; Valuation, main features; Testing and evaluations; Formulation of test strategies; Objective Articles and Essays.
  • [C2432] [6 ECTS] Psychopathology
    Acquisition of basic knowledge about the functioning of a healthy as well as a pathologically changed person, professional preparation for knowledge and understanding of biological, cognitive, socio-emotional processes and changes in different developmental periods, the social context of development and the possibilities for practical and research applicability in education and medicine. Knowledge and understanding of the concept of "mental health and health promotion", acquisition of knowledge and recognition of psychopathological variations of psychological functions in individual mental disorders and variations of the same in specific individuals.
  • [6 ECTS] Elective from other unit
    • [CPA-101] Introduction to Public Administration
    • [CPA-201] Public Leadership and Organizational Development
    • [CPA-302] Introduction to Public Policies
    • [CLE-101] Introduction to Law
    • [ELE-708] Introduction to Criminalistics
    • [C2298] Labour Law
    • [EFE-132] Human Rights and Freedoms
    • [CLE-203] Legal Writing and Reasoning
    • [EARTL-01] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Law
    • [ELE-408] Domestic Violence
    • [CCS-101] Introduction to Computer Sciences
    • [CCS-102] Internet Technologies
    • [CCS-402] Applied Probability and Statistics
    • [ECS-500] E-Commerce
    • [CISM2021] Introduction to Information Systems
    • [ECS3060] IT Professional Ethics
    • [EFE-129] Albanian Language and Writing Culture
    • [EFE-105] German Language 1-4
    • [EEL-613] Multiculturalism in Teaching English Language
    • [EFE-108] Intercultural Studies
    • [E2539] Critical Reasoning and Thinking
    • [EPRNM-02] Public Relations and New Media
    • [ECM-602] Media and Society
    • [CBE-101] Introduction to Economics and Business
    • [CBE-103] Principles of Management
    • [EBEM-503] Business Communication
    • [EBE-408] Project Management
    • [EBE-403] Business Plan
    • [EBE-409] Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
    • [EF999] French Language 1-2-3
    • [BSIL3010] Italian Language 1-2-3
    • [EFE-102] Academic Writing in English
    • [EDOL-03] Digital and Online Literacy
    • [ECE-02] Conversational English
    • [E2529] Communication Skills in a Professional Setting in English
    • [E2530] Fiction and Fun
    • [E2531] English Literature and Film
    • [E2540] Macedonian Language for Legal and EU terminology
    • [E2739] Ethics in Public Institutions
  • [6 ECTS] General elective (from SP)
    • [E2787] Social Harmony and Conflict Resolution
    • [C2387] Psychology of Partnership Relations
    • [E2789] Personal and Professional Career Development
    • [C2375] Psychology of Peace

Semester 6

  • [C2433] [6 ECTS] Introduction to Psychological Research
    Objectives of the course: At the end of the semester, students should: • understand the advanced scientific research theories that refer to the methodology in social sciences i.e., socio-political sciences. • they can collect research material, relevant material that they will use for their scientific and papers. • understand the extent of the research process and the approach of different methods - qualitative and quantitative - of scientific research • study with an advanced approach the relationship between theory and research practice. • apply skills and knowledge in the preparation of scientific papers.
  • [C2386] [6 ECTS] Gender Psychology
    This course examines social psychology theories of sex differences and conceptions of gender. Topics include history & theoretical perspectives on gender, differentiation of sex versus gender, gender similarities, conformity, stereotypes, social roles, masculinity, sexism, feminism, media influence, body image, gender violence, beauty standards, sex, cognition, emotion and communication. Gender analysis framework will be introduced as a basic understanding and tools for analysing the gender gap at the developmental issues. Students are expected to have a broaden knowledge of gender issues in various social setting and able to use theories and analysis tools to assess the impact of gender inequality. After finishing this course, students are expected to be able to explain the theories in psychology that explain and discuss about gender for multi perspectives. In addition, students are also expected to be able to apply the theories and perspective of gender equality in everyday life and especially in the social and cultural context of RMV.
  • [C2384] [6 ECTS] Psychology of Religion
    Objectives of the course: ●To introduce students to the psychological perspective of spirituality, religious behaviour, and religious experience. ●To introduce them to major thinkers in the field of psychology of religion such as James, Freud, Jung, Erikson, Winnicott, Maslow, Kakar, Boyer and Tremlin. ●To treat theories of the psychology of religion: psychoanalysis, analytical psychology, ego psychology, self-psychology, object relations. A survey of the history of the psychological sciences and their intersections with religion. To encourage students to apply these theories and methods in the interpretation of religious phenomena through discussion, reading answers, etc.
  • [6 ECTS] Elective from other unit
    • [CPA-101] Introduction to Public Administration
    • [CPA-201] Public Leadership and Organizational Development
    • [CPA-302] Introduction to Public Policies
    • [CLE-101] Introduction to Law
    • [ELE-708] Introduction to Criminalistics
    • [C2298] Labour Law
    • [EFE-132] Human Rights and Freedoms
    • [CLE-203] Legal Writing and Reasoning
    • [EARTL-01] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Law
    • [ELE-408] Domestic Violence
    • [CCS-101] Introduction to Computer Sciences
    • [CCS-102] Internet Technologies
    • [CCS-402] Applied Probability and Statistics
    • [ECS-500] E-Commerce
    • [CISM2021] Introduction to Information Systems
    • [ECS3060] IT Professional Ethics
    • [EFE-129] Albanian Language and Writing Culture
    • [EFE-105] German Language 1-4
    • [EEL-613] Multiculturalism in Teaching English Language
    • [EFE-108] Intercultural Studies
    • [E2539] Critical Reasoning and Thinking
    • [EPRNM-02] Public Relations and New Media
    • [ECM-602] Media and Society
    • [CBE-101] Introduction to Economics and Business
    • [CBE-103] Principles of Management
    • [EBEM-503] Business Communication
    • [EBE-408] Project Management
    • [EBE-403] Business Plan
    • [EBE-409] Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
    • [EF999] French Language 1-2-3
    • [BSIL3010] Italian Language 1-2-3
    • [EFE-102] Academic Writing in English
    • [EDOL-03] Digital and Online Literacy
    • [ECE-02] Conversational English
    • [E2529] Communication Skills in a Professional Setting in English
    • [E2530] Fiction and Fun
    • [E2531] English Literature and Film
    • [E2540] Macedonian Language for Legal and EU terminology
    • [E2739] Ethics in Public Institutions
  • [6 ECTS] General elective (from SP)
    • [E2787] Social Harmony and Conflict Resolution
    • [C2387] Psychology of Partnership Relations
    • [E2789] Personal and Professional Career Development
    • [C2375] Psychology of Peace

Semester 7

  • [E2788] [6 ECTS] Psychology of People with Special Needs
    Student will get acquainted with different etiological factors included in developing disabilities. They will acquire knowledge about people with different kinds of disabilities. Students will discuss problems of stigma and society attitude toward people with disabilities. Students will learn how to interact successfully with people with disabilities.
  • [C2392] [6 ECTS] Quantitative Research Methods
    Students should become familiar with the separate quantitative methods and techniques of empirical research in psychology and acquire knowledge and skills for monitoring research findings in the field of psychology, a critical approach when accepting the findings of other people's research, conducting own empirical research based on quantitative methods.
  • [C2385] [6 ECTS] Clinical Psychology
    Course aims: Helping students to understand 1) the main theoretical approaches to the conception, assessment and treatment of psychological problems, (2) to better understand the nature of psychological problems in general, and (3) to appreciate the importance of application to scientific research in both these fields.
  • [6 ECTS] General elective (from SP)
    • [E2787] Social Harmony and Conflict Resolution
    • [C2387] Psychology of Partnership Relations
    • [E2789] Personal and Professional Career Development
    • [C2375] Psychology of Peace
  • [6 ECTS] Professional Elective (from the module)*
    • [E2791] Media Psychology and Communication
    • [E2792] Political Psychology and Philosophy

Semester 8

  • [E2391] [6 ECTS] Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy
    This course is an introduction to the prominent approaches to psychotherapy for individual adult clients. Students will learn the theory and practice of numerous forms of psychotherapy, including psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioural, humanistic, and others. Students will also become familiar with the literature on the efficacy of psychotherapy, historical and current issues in the psychotherapy profession, and issues related to culture in psychotherapy.
  • [C2434] [12 ECTS] Research Thesis
    This is an activity of the graduation thesis and the project of professional positioning in the field of psychology. Students are required to complete a project related to their thesis, structure it, research and develop the methodology for the thesis project. Students should be trained to monitor research findings in the field of psychology, take a critical attitude towards other people's research findings, conduct their own empirical research based on quantitative and qualitative methods, and prepare reports from the conducted research. Students understand the importance of the scientific method for psychology and acquire knowledge and skills for: planning empirical research in psychology, discovering and setting research problems in the field of psychology, respecting the ethical principles of research in psychology and related sciences, respecting of the rules for writing a report from conducted empirical research.
  • [6 ECTS] General elective (from SP)
    • [E2787] Social Harmony and Conflict Resolution
    • [C2387] Psychology of Partnership Relations
    • [E2789] Personal and Professional Career Development
    • [C2375] Psychology of Peace
  • [6 ECTS] Professional Elective (from the module)*
    • [E2791] Media Psychology and Communication
    • [E2792] Political Psychology and Philosophy