South East European University
bringing knowledge to life!


Civil Law (2022/2023)

Study Cycle: Second Cycle (Postgraduate)
Faculty: Law
Programme Code: N-MLAWCIV120C
Academic year: 2024 / 2025
Title: Master of Legal Sciences / Field: Civil Law
ECTS: 120 (2 years) Accrediation
Decision: Decision for starting of the program

The Civil Law study program aims to provide a range of modules that will form the basis of information and advanced knowledge on Civil Law matters for the purpose of training students the basic legal professions related to this field by providing solid knowledge, the specific and systematic institutes and concepts of Civil Law in RNM and comparative knowledge to the region and the EU.

Law Faculty diploma is recognized by the Chamber of Lawyers and Notaries in RNM. Exercise of legal professions requires formal registration in these rooms. The diploma of the Faculty of Law enables students to approach the relevant state bodies, especially in judicial branch as courts and public prosecutors. The Law Faculty has signed cooperation agreements with the Academy for training of judges and public prosecutors in the RNM. Students who will have the ambition to engage scientific research work, the SEEU Faulty of Law, enables the continuation of third cycle studies (PhD studies).

Knowledge and understanding
  • Has detailed knowledge of civil law, material and procedural as well as basic norms in key areas of civil law.
  • Has detailed knowledge of the principles and institutes of civil law, including the origin and contents.
  • Assesses the areas of civil law in a critical manner, scientific and practical standpoint.
Applying knowledge and understanding
  • Develops and promotes analytical and research skills and of solving the problems in theory and practice through using of legislative acts and judicial practice.
  • Identifies and analyzes the most complex problems, taking an active part in all phases of civil procedure and can perform complex issues of civil legislation (including work as a judge, lawyer, notary) after having acquired the qualifications required under legislation RNM.
Making judgement
  • Performs more critical thinking through methods of analyzing and comparing.
  • Develops skills of solving problems through case-law practices of more complex national and international cases.
Communication skills
  • Utilizes proper terminology for complex and specific issues in the area of civil law sciences;
  • Is able to reach decisions and work more directly and effectively in all stages of civil court procedure.
  • Is involved in research based legal argumentation and debate;
  • Utilizes the official languages of the University as well as more advanced computer skills in the research work.
Learning skills
  • Develops a regulation of research to be used in their profession.
  • Creates a practice of lifelong learning and service through being involved in training persons that work in the state institutions of crime prevention.

Semester 1

  • [MCL-0102] [6 ECTS] Civil Law (Applied Program)
    This curriculum aims to provide students with the ability to practically apply their knowledge in the area of civil law, ability that every lawyer must possess. In the area of Civil Law, the student is expected to master the technique of proper application of the legal regulations (reading and interpretation of legal norms). Also, the student is expected to master the technique of preparation of legal acts: (contract, testament), preparation of various types of complaints (lawsuits, appeals, objections, requests) as well as drafting acts of judicial authorities (sentences, decisions), and other acts of administrative bodies (decisions, contracts) that create, change and cease civil-legal relations. In addition, the curriculum Civil Law - Applied Program aims, to enable students to become acquainted with the realization of civil law institutes (general, real, obligatory and inheritance law) in practice. By mastering this material, the student is expected to acquire the ability to use his/her theoretical knowledge of civil law in solving practical cases.
  • [MCL-0101] [6 ECTS] Property Law (Applied Program)
    The course objective is for students to gain: - the ability to practically apply their knowledge of property law, a skill that must be held by each lawyer. - theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of property law as a very important and current field in the legal system of the RNM. - knowledge about the system of property law and legislation in this area. - the ability to master the technique of proper application of the legislation (reading, interpretation and application of legal norms to concrete cases) in the field of property law. - detailed introduction of the property law institutes in the legal system of the RNM.
  • [CM160] [6 ECTS] Law of Obligations (Applied Program)
    To provide students with the basic knowledge of the obligation law, necessary for concluding an obligation legal relationship; to provide students with basic knowledge on how to conclude contracts and apply the law institutes. By learning this subject, students are enabled to be able to conclude certain agreements as sources in the law of obligations, are able to distinguish what kind of responsibility it is, who should be responsible and under what conditions.
  • [6 ECTS] Elective Course
    • [EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
    • [??518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
    • [??519] Comparative Parental Right
    • [EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
    • [EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
    • [EMCL1010] Insurance Law
    • [EM522] Bankruptcy Law
    • [EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
    • [EM521] Contract Law
    • [EM523] Consumer Protection Law
    • [EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
    • [MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
    • [MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
    • [EM526] Land Law
    • [EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
    • [EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
    • [EMCL-07] Notary Law
    • [EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law
  • [6 ECTS] Elective Course
    • [EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
    • [EM518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
    • [EM519] Comparative Parental Right
    • [EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
    • [EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
    • [EMCL1010] Insurance Law
    • [EM522] Bankruptcy Law
    • [EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
    • [EM521] Contract Law
    • [EM523] Consumer Protection Law
    • [EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
    • [MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
    • [MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
    • [EM526] Land Law
    • [EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
    • [EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
    • [EMCL-07] Notary Law
    • [EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law

Semester 2

  • [CM161] [6 ECTS] Trade Law (Applied Program)
    Objectives of the course: To enable students to become familiar with the legal rules for the pursuit of an activity. The manner of organizing the business entities, the conditions for establishment and registration of the business entities and the sole proprietor as well as the ways of termination of the business entities; the ways of establishing a business legal relationship, the conditions for the occurrence of those relationships, the effects and the consequences; working with securities: hacks for protection of industrial property rights and ways to protect business entities from unfair competition: ways to protect consumers, etc.
  • [CM162] [6 ECTS] Family Law (Applied Program)
    In this subject the students will acquire knowledge for the contemporary forms of family relations, national and contemporary regulations of this relations, the new mechanism for the alternative dispute resolution in family disputes-family mediation, the new institutes from the family law such as (The new technology of artificial reproduction: Artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, “Three-parent baby” technique, co-parenting; single mother by choice, Post humous reproduction); Joint Custody after divorce; Marriage contract; The Legal Status of Marital Home. In this subject the students also will learn about the reforms in family legislation of Republic of North Macedonia.
  • [MCL-0202] [6 ECTS] Contentious Law
    The subject program: - Provides students with appropriate theoretical knowledge in contentious law, as a positive branch of law and science. - Provides students with theoretical knowledge of the key concepts and institutions of the contentious law, such as the notion of contentious procedure, the principles of contentious procedure, subjects of the contentious procedure, evidence, court hearings, procedural actions and deadlines for their execution, court decisions, legal remedies against decisions, special procedures, etc. - Introduces students to the body of issues and problems related to the concept of contentious law, as well as to the path of the historical development of the institutions of contentious law. - Enables students to learn and analyze the main institutes of contentious law in the context of legal and theoretical references from Europe and beyond; - Encourages analytical and critical thinking in students related to the problems the contentious law the RNM currently is facing.
  • [6 ECTS] Elective Course
    • [EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
    • [??518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
    • [??519] Comparative Parental Right
    • [EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
    • [EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
    • [EMCL1010] Insurance Law
    • [EM522] Bankruptcy Law
    • [EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
    • [EM521] Contract Law
    • [EM523] Consumer Protection Law
    • [EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
    • [MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
    • [MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
    • [EM526] Land Law
    • [EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
    • [EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
    • [EMCL-07] Notary Law
    • [EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law
  • [6 ECTS] Elective Course
    • [EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
    • [??518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
    • [??519] Comparative Parental Right
    • [EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
    • [EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
    • [EMCL1010] Insurance Law
    • [EM522] Bankruptcy Law
    • [EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
    • [EM521] Contract Law
    • [EM523] Consumer Protection Law
    • [EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
    • [MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
    • [MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
    • [EM526] Land Law
    • [EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
    • [EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
    • [EMCL-07] Notary Law
    • [EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law

Semester 3

  • [MCCR1120] [6 ECTS] Research Methodology
    Students will be able to: - To apply the main methods of legal and other research. - To collect research material in a critical way that is relevant, and which are cited by the authors in their responses. - To understand the scope of the research and access to various methods of research, being able even to their critical review. - To study the relationship between legal theory and research practice through an advanced approach. - To apply skills and knowledge learned in their theses.
  • [MCL-0301] [6 ECTS] Conflict of Laws
    This course will teach the general institutes, as well as the notions and relations within the area of conflict of laws.
  • [CM163] [6 ECTS] Inheritance Law (Applied Program)
    In this subject the students will acquire knowledge for the most important characteristics of European and contemporary inheritance legal systems, with special emphasis on inheritance and inheritance law in the Republic of North Macedonia. Students will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the procedure of transferring the inheritance to the heirs, with the technique of execution of the distribution of inheritance through hereditary lines of succession. From this subject student will be expected to learn how to interpret provisions from the Law on inheritance of the RNM.
  • [EMCL-04] [6 ECTS] The Enforcement and Non-Contentious Law
    The purpose of this course program is to introduce the students with: - the rules of the procedure according to which the courts act and decide upon personal, family, property and other legal conditions and relations; - the entities that have the status of a participant in the non-contentious procedure, with the implementation of the procedure, with decisions - solutions that are adopted in non-contentious procedure, with the legal remedies, etc. - the rules according to which the perpetrators act for the purpose of forcible execution of a court decision that fulfills an obligation, - forcible execution of a decision taken in an administrative procedure that stipulates fulfillment of a monetary obligation, - forcible execution of notary documents and other enforcement documents provided by law on execution of a ship and aircraft; - the subjects of the enforcement, the basis for enforcement, the subject of the enforced execution;
  • [6 ECTS] Elective Course
    • [EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
    • [??518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
    • [??519] Comparative Parental Right
    • [EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
    • [EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
    • [EMCL1010] Insurance Law
    • [EM522] Bankruptcy Law
    • [EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
    • [EM521] Contract Law
    • [EM523] Consumer Protection Law
    • [EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
    • [MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
    • [MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
    • [EM526] Land Law
    • [EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
    • [EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
    • [EMCL-07] Notary Law
    • [EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law

Semester 4

  • [MCCL4010] [30 ECTS] Master Thesis
    This module enables students to transfer their skills and knowledge to research and make more complex task of Master-Thesis. The module is designed to be fully practical and students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to approach writing the thesis. The module has unique return result to enable students to write the master thesis with minimal difficulties, and with maximum efficiency. The course aims to improve research techniques and style of writing paper, taking account to stop illegal means, such as plagiarism and infringement of copyright, which are prohibited by the Statute of SEEU.