[EM517] Labour Law (Applied Program)
Course aims:
To provide students with relevant knowledge on labor law and social security as a positive branch of law and as a science;
To provide students theoretical knowledge on the main notions and institutes of labor law and social security;
Analyze the corpus of issues and problems that are regulated by labor and social security, and the historical development of the institutions of labor law and social security;
To stimulate the analytical and critical thinking of students regarding the problems with which labor law and social security is faced today in the Republic of North Macedonia and beyond.
[??518] Assisted Reproductive Technology and Parental Right
The purpose of this course is to provide students with advanced knowledge of the impact of advances in genetics and assisted reproductive technologies on family law and parental rights, human rights and child rights, including the effects of international documents on national legislation. Students will also gain knowledge of theoretical, ethical and legal discussions on biotechnology, biomedicine and their impact on parental relationships, as well as the balance between respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the need to ensure freedom of research for example The rights of the child to know his genetic origin. By studying this subject, students will gain knowledge about methods of the new artificial reproductive technologies that are part of the contemporary natal policy (artificial insemination; in vitro fertilization; surrogate motherhood; single mother by choice; posthumous reproduction; co-parenting “three-parent baby” technique; cryopreservation of gametes or embryos.
[??519] Comparative Parental Right
In this subject the students will acquire knowledge about the most important institute of family law - Parental law in the family law of RNM and in comparative law. Apart from studying traditional parental law, students will also focus on the newest institutes of parental law: the exercise of parental responsibilities after divorce (joint custody and share custody); the child's right to express his opinion; respect of the best interests of the child in parental rights; the right of the child to know his genetic origin; the need to change the term "parental rights" to the term "parental responsibility". Students will also learn the modern way of creating parenting through the new reproductive technologies (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, “three-parent baby” technique, co-parenting; single mother by choice, posthumous reproduction). Students in this course will also study the reforms in the family legislation of the RNM in the part of parental law.
[EMCL-02] Contemporary Property-Legal Relations of Spouses
In this subject the students will acquire knowledge for the legal regulation of the property relations of the spouses in the Republic of North Macedonia and in comparative law. Students will gain knowledge of the regime of common property, characteristic for the countries of the former Yugoslavia; will get acquainted with the regime of joint property in the Scandinavian countries and Germany, as well as with the regime of special property that is characteristic of Great Britain. The students also will learn about the historical development of property and legal relations in the Republic of North Macedonia. In contemporary legislation, the marital (premarital) agreement is also gaining importance, through which the spouses independently regulate their mutual property relations. Students will gain deeper knowledge of marital and premarital agreement.
[EMCL0030] Intellectual Property Law
The aim of the course is to:
- Introduce students to copyright and related rights, their legal nature and duration.
- To provide students with knowledge of industrial property law as a basis for learning the legal rules for the legal protection of inventions, trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, and other forms of industrial property.
- To provide students with general knowledge on how to register industrial property rights, including meeting the general conditions for their protection and registration.
- To inform the students in a professional way about the establishing of a license, the conditions of circulation of intellectual property rights, the effects, and the consequences of the circulation of rights and so on.
- To train students for work related to the circulation of industrial property rights.
- Students will also gain knowledge of the legislation that protects intellectual property rights, both nationally and internationally.
- Students will gain relevant and applicable knowledge of the ways of legal protection of intellectual property rights and more specifically with criminal, civil and administrative protection of these rights.
[EMCL1010] Insurance Law
Students will acquire advanced knowledge on insurance law and the legislation related to this area. This course will enable students to analyze insurance according to the positive law of the RNM and EU law. By analyzing the legal regulations related to insurance (Law on Obligations) and other special laws, students will be able to determine the importance and subject matter of the insurance law. Another goal of the course is that students acquire comprehensive knowledge about insurance, which today is considered a basic prerequisite for economic and social security, both for legal entities and individuals, especially for the development of investment activity. The acquired knowledge will help them to work competently in the field of insurance.
[EM522] Bankruptcy Law
The purpose of the course is to enable students to independently identify and critically analyze the basic institutes of bankruptcy and bankruptcy proceedings, and to develop skills for applying the acquired knowledge in practice regarding bankruptcy and bankruptcy proceedings;
[EM520] The Legal - Civil Responsibility for the Caused Damage
Course aims:
-To encourage students to critically analyze the implementation of the rules for compensation of damage;
-To develop practical approaches to students in finding solutions for the regulation of practical cases from the obligation relations created by the damage caused;
-To contribute to the understanding of students of the impact of economy in the development of the right to compensation of damage;
-To demonstrate skills of solving concrete cases of caused damage and its compensation.
[EM521] Contract Law
Course aims:
To provide students with the basic knowledge of the contract law, necessary for concluding an obligation legal relationship; to provide students with basic knowledge on how to conclude contracts and apply the law institutes. By learning this subject, students are enabled to be able to conclude certain agreements as sources in the law of obligations, are able to distinguish what kind of responsibility it is, who should be responsible and under what conditions.
[EM523] Consumer Protection Law
Course aims:
• To enable students to get acquainted with the legal rules for consumer protection not only in our country but also in comparative law with special reference to EU countries.
• Ways of protecting consumer rights;
• The procedure for protection of consumer rights;
• Legal mechanisms for protection of consumer rights such as public legal mechanisms, administrative legal and private legal mechanisms;
• Other issues related to consumer rights.
[EM525] Alternative Solution of Disputes
Course aim is to enable students to get acquainted with the positive aspects of the alternative way of resolving disputes (mediation, conciliation, arbitration, arbitration-mediation, mini-trial, early neutral assessment), the advantages in terms of court proceedings, their effects, ethical dilemmas in mediation, etc.
[MCCL2023] Comparative Civil Law
Course aims:
• Provide students basic knowledge of the most important aspects of comparative law;
• Introduce students to the comparative methodology in the study of civil law;
• Provide students with a better understanding of the national law through the study of foreign law;
• Develop critical skills in analyzing and interpreting different norms of civil law from the most important legal systems through comparative methodology.
[MCL-0203] Contemporary Family Law
This course meets the needs of all students, whether they seek to concentrate on the most important and newest institutions of family law: the contemporary family; matrimonial issues — marital dissolution, parental responsibility, child custody after divorce (joint legal custody and share physical custody), division of joint property of spouses; marital agreement; child protection issues — child abuse and neglect and the child welfare system; or one of the growing areas of subspecialty — International family law, family legislative reform in RNM, International family law - pro future; Representation of the same - sex families; Establishing a family by the new technologies for artificial reproduction and all methods of the biomedical assisted fertilization. The students also will learn about the perspectives for the Unification and Harmonization of Family Law in Europe and the role and contribution of the Commission of European Family law in this regard. Through this subject the students will learn about the competence of the European Union in family matters, they also will work on the most important family cases before European court of human rights.
[EM526] Land Law
Land law is the law concerning property rights and other real rights over land or real property in general, as well as the legal regime of different types of land. In the broadest sense of the word, based on the principle of superficies solo cedit, the word ‘land’ refers not only to lands, but also to buildings and crops on that land.
- The course aims to provide students with relevant knowledge on land law and the regulation of this field.
- Students will be introduced to different classifications of land, such as construction land, agricultural land, forests, pastures, cemeteries, and their legal regulation.
- Students will be introduced to the legal regulation of other types of real estate, such as buildings and will gain knowledge of the different types of buildings: residential buildings, commercial buildings, etc.
- Students will be introduced to the process of territorial planning and development, the process of registration of real property rights, the process of nationalization and denationalization of property and the process of legalization.
- Students will be enabled to distinguish between different types of real estate and the legal regime that applies to each type and will be introduced to the administrative procedures related to the administration of real estate.
[EM527] Registration of Real Estate Rights
This course is a segment of Property law, through which students will be introduced to the system of registration of real property rights in the RNM, the basic principles of registration of real property, as well as the manner of registration of real property rights.
- Students will be introduced to the Geodetic-Cadastral Information System (GCIS) which enables acquisition, processing, maintenance, management, use, distribution, issuance and a single access to the data from the real estate cadaster, as well as the type of data that GCIS contains.
- Students will be introduced to the work of the Agency for Real Estate Cadaster, its status and competences, the bodies of the Agency and the structure of the expert department of the Agency.
- Students will be equipped with knowledge on the ways and means of creating a real estate cadaster, i.e. they will be introduced to: systematic registration of real property rights, registration of unregistered real property rights after the creation of the real estate cadaster, as well as the conversion of data from the land cadaster to the real estate cadaster.
- Students will be introduced to the rights, ways of registration of rights, types of registration, legal bases for registration of the real property rights in the real estate cadaster, types of data issued by the cadaster, as well as the maintenance of the real estate cadaster.
- Through this course students will master the technique of proper implementation of legal rules in the field of registration of real property rights.
- Students will gain multidisciplinary knowledge, not only in the field of law, but also in the field of geodetic works, which will enable them to radically resolve issues in the field of registration of real property rights.
- Students' analytical and critical thinking about the problems and challenges faced by the real estate registration system in the RNM will be encouraged.
[EM528] Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination
The aim of this course is to present to future lawyers a picture as close as possible to the truth of gender equality and non-discrimination, so that they can form a correct understanding of these issues, eradicate prejudices and stereotypes, which will further influence to improve their work, both through the drafting of laws and the establishment of institutions and fair systems, as well as in the fair and impartial implementation of the law.
- The course aims to explain the concept of gender discrimination, gender stereotypes and prejudices, equality, integration, and gender justice.
- Another goal is to raise students' awareness of the importance of gender equality as respect for the human rights of women and men, as well as to raise awareness about the consequences of gender inequality.
- The course also aims to analyze the links between the problem of gender equality and the legal field, to provide advanced legislative models in the field of gender equality and to help students understand and analyze existing legislation on gender equality, domestic violence and non-discrimination in the RMV.
- Students will also be introduced to international law regulation in the field of gender equality and the means and ways of legal protection against discrimination.
[EMCL-07] Notary Law
The aim of the subject Notary law is to enable students to gain deeper knowledge of this part of the law and specific skills for applying it in practice. Special tasks of this program are: to enable students to independently identify and critically analyze the basic notions and institutes of Notary law, to develop skills for applying acquired knowledge in practice regarding the performance of certain notary works.
[EMCL05] Legal Clinic - Civil Law
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Actively apply theoretical legal principles to client legal casework;
- Demonstrate legal practice skills in dealing with clients in legal practice,
- The ability to draw up well-structured written legal advice or legal analysis for the client;
- Work effectively and reliably in a professional environment, both individually and as a member of a team